Gen 3 Formation | 13 - 17 | The Beatitudes
Jonna de Guzman
Here you will find the material "In search of happiness | The Beatitudes" for ages 13-17 years old. These suggestions which are useful to prepare the meetings during the year, are in tune with the theme on Mary as well as deeping of the Beatitudes, as an answer to the desire for happiness of each individual and the community.
It would be useful to first read the general outline to help you make better use of the materials.
You can download eight guidelines for the group leaders and the attachments which are: suggestions on how to deepen the topics for group leaders, activities, games, videos, etc... Every material should be chosen and adapted according to the group you have - Gen 3, Teens4Unity, teens of the Parish or Diocesan movements, etc.
01 Beatitudes - Blessed are the poor in spirit
02 Beatitudes - Blessed are those who mourn
03 Beatitudes - Blessed are the meek
04 Beatitudes - Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness
05 Beatitudes - Blessed are the merciful
06 Beatitudes - Blessed are the pure of heart
07 Beatitudes - Blessed are the peacemakers
08 Beatitudes - Blessed are those who are persecuted
Arabic_ archive Beatitudes_Arabic (233.89 MB)
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