Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Jonna de Guzman
I will be happy if... I love justice!
The objective of the first guideline is:
To identify daily situations in which we can experience and guarantee justice and become aware of one’s responsibility.
We will be happy if... we will love justice
the objective of the second guideline is:
To become aware of the possibility to commit oneself, as individuals or as a group, to realize justice worldwide.
Useful materials:
Password: SempreUno
PPT Video of "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness" taken from the video "Blessed" a production of the
Worldwide Gen 3 Center. From Chiara Lubich's talk to the Gen 3 boys and girls in 1975 updated with images and music.
Word of Life: Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Hits: 1327