Blessed are those who are persecuted
Jonna de Guzman
I will be happy if... I have the courage to go against the current!
The objectve of the first guideline is:
To have the courage to “go against the current”, stating your own ideas and fighting against injustices in daily life.
We will be happy if... we have the courage to go against the current!
The objectve of the second guideline is:
* To learn to recognise those situations of injustice which oppress individuals and entire social groups.
* Become a spokesperson for the weakest and take on a commitment in society to put an end to injustices.
Other useful materials (Password: SempreUno):
PPT Video on "Blessed are those who are persecuted" from the video "Blessed" in care of the Gen3 World Center. From the theme of Chiara to the Gen 3 boys and Gen 3 girls of 1975 updated with pictures and music.
Word of Life: Blessed are those who are persecuted
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