Form-Azione presentation and other links for formation
An excerpt from Chiara Lubich's message, "It's always love," during a Worldwide Conference Call on August 28, 1997, Rocca di Papa.
"In fact, every authentic virtue, which is contrary to a respective vice, is the effect of love, it’s rooted in love. This is very important for us. In fact, such a way of doing things is a genuine expressionof our spirituality which is different from the other spiritualities (that have given excellent fruits ofsanctity in the history of the Church). For us, it’s not so much a matter of removing one fault after the other, as may be doneelsewhere, but to spend all our energies in loving."
Here are the materials for "Discover the beauty within you! "No" to vices and "Yes" to Virtues" for ages 9-12. These suggestions which are useful to prepare the meetings during the year, are in tune with the theme on Mary and are helpful in getting to know the virtues as well as learning how we can "train" ourselves to live them so that the choices we make are directed towards good and evangelical love.
It would be useful to first read the general outline to help you make better use of the materials.
You can download seven guidelines for the group leaders and the attachments which are: suggestions on how to deepen the topics for group leaders, activities, games, videos, etc... Every material should be chosen and adapted according to the group you have - Gen 3, Teens4Unity, teens of the Parish or Diocesan movements, etc.
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