The Journey towards Sanctity in the Church
Jonna de Guzman
To better understand the novelty of collective spirituality, Fr. Fabio, in his introduction, traces the path of the different spiritualities in the history of the Church.
In fact, throughout the centuries the Holy Spirit has brought to light some words of the Gospel that have found their incarnation in the various charisms that have enriched the Church. It speaks of the spirituality of the first Christians based on mutual love and unity, the heart of the Gospel; of St. Anthony Abate with the birth of the 'anchorites' who love God in solitude; of St. Basil with the cenobites; of St. Francis and St. Dominic with the choice of poverty; of St. Teresa of Avila and the search for the Trinity itself; of St. John of the Cross with the 'nothing'; of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Camillo de Lellis, St. John Bosco who lived "… you did it to me".
All these spiritualities come to God in an individual way. In our century, which cries out for the need for unity, the Holy Spirit arouses Chiara, who opens a new path: that of collective spirituality..
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