October 16 For Word Food Day
Alfonso Jung
This will be a global online event organized by and for young people, activists and educators from all over the world. The goal is to share numerous experiences taking place in different institutions around the globe regarding our combined efforts to eliminate hunger.
We are from various countries representing multiple organizations around the world. Therefore, we will deepen the concept and understanding of "hunger" in the various attendees’ cultures, and show the good practices already in place at a personal and community level around the globe.
There will be various discussions, including on the connection between hunger and ecology, on what a healthy diet is, and opportunities to share numerous positive and effective experiences. The main objective of the event is to promote concrete actions among the participants to contribute to the UN ZeroHunger goal in all areas, particularly where the children are, from schools to their social networks.
The group encompasses several organizations, such as New Humanity, Teens4Unity, PRATYeK | NINEISMINE, Shanti Ashram, Korea-Philippines Service Learning and others.
You are online 16 October at 13.30 (UTC+1) Lisbon time
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